Saint Augustine :D

Saint Augustine believed that rules were set up by God to make keep people happy. If people went against the rules they wanted to be unhappy. I doubt that is why they go against the rules. People do not want to be unhappy. They just want to see what will happen if they break the rules. Some people do things they are not supposed to do just because it is against the rules. It makes them feel good to know they broke the rules. Just like Saint Augustine said in chapter 6 paragraph 12 “For if I put any of that fruit into my mouth, my sin was its seasoning.” The fruit is supposed to be like the forbidden fruit and he ate it and it tasted so good. Forbidden fruit tastes better than regular fruit because when you eat it, you are breaking the rules. Saint Augustine also believed that people only do things because they know they are wrong. It brings pleasure to know you sinned. I do not believe this because of course people know when they are sinning. They just do it for fun or for the excitement that comes along with going against the law. In chapter 6 paragraph 13 Saint Augustine states, “Curiosity pretends to be a desire for knowledge, while you know all things in the highest degree”. This basically means that you do things because you are curious, but you know it is wrong. Curiosity pretends to be a way to get knowledge, just so people will do it. Or that’s just an excuse they use to try and get away with it. Everyone sins but some people just go overboard to see what will happen if they do it. It brings pleasure to most sinners to know they did something they weren’t supposed to. Another one of Saint Augustine’s beliefs it that when you sin, you are only harming yourself. Well duh! Haha I do not want to sound rude or anything but yes that it true. In our eyes, yes they are doing wrong so they need to be harmed. In their eyes, they are sinning for pleasure. I just do not see how people can go around and just sin. Some people steal or kill just for the fun of it. None of that is fun to me and I believe that no one in his or her right mind would think it was fun either. I would never even think twice about doing any of that stuff. I know it is wrong and I have never even been curious about what would happen if I did sin. People grow up knowing the difference between what is right and wrong and no one can tell me that they do things just to get pleasure. How can sinning bring someone pleasure anyway? Well like I said there is no way they can be in their right mind. They have to have something wrong with them. Or just not believe in God.